Floor Coverings Weekly April 2018

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Floor Coverings Weekly April 2018 features Country Floors’ “Kitchen Talk Session” in their latest issue.

Commentators included Sharon Blaustein, founder and principal designer of B Interior. Dina Deleasa- Gonsar, creator of DishItGirl.com food blog, and Meghan McNeer, Domino Magazine visual director, who also moderated the event.

Blaustein touted natural stone and its inherent beauty and elaborated on new ways how to use the ongoing trend of brass in a more subtle way. Moderator McNeer from Domino Magazine spoke to the biggest trend she has seen so far in 2018; “Concrete is really having a moment.” Blaustein has also seen a lot of concrete and concrete-look products.

Our guests enjoyed an interactive talk session while tasting some delicious appetizers made by Dina from DishItGirl and exploring Country Floor’s newest collections.

Floor Coverings Weekly April 2018



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