When it comes to your marble floors or walls, why not make them a reflection of you? The reflective surface of our finely crafted Avalon Polished Marble generates impressions of both classic and contemporary floors and walls.
The option for precision cut sizes and shapes, as well as the superb creation of mosaic tile art defines this collection. Three-dimensional moldings provide you with rich finishing touches.
Marble is a metamorphic stone with a timeless history as a flooring, wall covering, paving material and sculptural medium. Think for a moment of the Taj Mahal, the Statue of a David, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and perhaps your local courthouse. Then, you have thought of but a tiny sample of the cultural and utilitarian impact that marble has had on human civilization. This collection is optimized for coordinated floor, wall and countertop applications in both residential and commercial settings. We welcome you to take advantage of this portfolio of design and the endless possibilities it provides you.
Also, please check out our Aspen Polished Marble. Avalon is a Marble Systems product offering.