Country Cottage Tiles brings us to a discussion about all things that symbolize country-style living with the use of both ceramic and terracotta tiles. Naturally, there is a symbiotic relationship between a country lifestyle and the application of tiles that enhance it both visually and practically.

As you can see in the image above, our Old World Tile offers a clear opportunity to connect beautifully rendered, commercially available, ceramic tiles with the country cottage style. The handcrafted approach of the material and the floral visual accents work perfectly together. Please click on the image to learn more.

It would be hard to imagine a genre that can better embody Country Cottage Tiles than the classic Delft Tile shown above. Centuries ago, the city in Holland of the same name, gave us this sublime art form. As we have said before in this space, Delft is a broad category. However, the narrative is that “Italian artisans moved north to The Netherlands in the 16th century bringing with them the technique of glazing earthenware”. We are clearly the beneficiaries.

We believe our new Antiqued Tile Collection, as shown above, continues the tradition of “country” and “tile” existing together in a classic design scheme.
As always, thanks for reading. Click on any image above to learn more.