Creative Process

Salk Institute
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What is your creative process? When you sit down to put a design plan together how do you organize your thoughts? Since Country Floors has assisted in the design of thousands of spaces, we thought that exploring creativity as a process was worth exploring. Here we go.

The Redoubtable Arch Daily recently published a fine piece on the “The Creative Process of the Four Pioneers of Modern Architecture” Those architects are Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Louis Kahn.

According to the author, Christelle Harrouk, each of these men approached the process slightly differently. For example, Le Corbusier said that “a house is a machine for living in,” and approached his projects in a very systematic fashion. Wright believed, in and actively championed, organic architecture as exemplified by his legendary work Fallingwater below.

Creative Process

Louis Kahn, said Ms. Harrouk, thought that “architecture is a composition of simple elements, reacting together, existing through their reflection of light.” Mies is my personal favorite. Largely based on the effortless sublimity of the Farnsworth House below. But the great man was more than one commission for a wealthy patron. I choose to use his own words to describe his process: “Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it  begins.”

Creative Process
Farnsworth House

Quite intentionally, we have left this post bare of Country Floors images. Instead, we hope that you challenge us to match your creativity. Stop into one of our showrooms.

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