It is generally accepted by scholars that glass mosaics date back to at least 2500 B.C. Of interest, is that clay tiles are first thought to have been produced as early as 8000 B.C. The timeline differential is mainly owing to the far greater temperatures needed to melt glass.
In the spirit of expedience let’s focus on a Western style. The Italian city of Ravenna, in the Emilia-Romagna region, became the center of Roman mosaic art around the 5th Century. Here we find the famed Mausoleum of Galla Placidia. This faith based structure is thought of as one of the finest and best-preserved examples of the mosaic arts from the period. Amongst the many works there is “The Good Shepherd”, perhaps its most important work. It is pictured below.
After a period of decline in the relatively moribund Middle Ages, Venice and in particular the island of Murano, grabbed center stage in the glass “world” and ultimately also achieved a certain prominence in mosaics.
Moving forward along the historical timeline the well known site, helps us out with: “in the late 1800s, the Art Nouveau movement brought a resurgence to mosaics; and although mosaic tiles were being made and exported by Italian glassmakers to be used in buildings throughout the world, individuals were becoming interested in adding mosaic architectural elements to their homes. Today, with the wider interest that individuals have in creating art, numerous mosaic workshops are offered throughout Italy.”
Here are three general glass mosaic trends, in no essential order, that you may want to consider. As a word of caution, these “trends” are not this year or necessarily last year. Rather in a centuries-old art form, they represent a longer-term focus.
- The inclusion of other elements such as stone into glass mosaic designs. The industry legend Pino Bisazza is quoted as saying, “We decided to ‘contaminate’ traditional mosaics by inserting stone elements, with great results.” Certainly an interesting choice of words, but the success of the approach is undeniable!
- Personalize your glass mosaic. Dream up your signature color scheme. Draw an abstract design all your own. How about having a family crest reproduced? Today, computer assistance in layout and manufacture augment the traditional hand-cutting techniques that were used for centuries. Therefore, we can deliver a personalized mosaic element in a cost-efficient fashion.
- Destination kitchens cry out for glass mosaic backsplashes! Mark your kitchen as a destination with a unique glass mosaic. The Sorbetto Collection from Country Floors is an excellent example as you can see below.
It’s time to tidy up this post and say goodbye. There are Country Floors locations all over America. Stop in and ask them to show you how to make glass mosaics your friend.